Weight Loss Surgery

The actual weight a patient will lose after a weight loss surgery is dependent on several factors. They are:
  • Motivation of patient and cooperation of their family, friends and associates
  • Surgical procedure
  • Patient’s age
  • Commitment to maintaining dietary guidelines and other follow-up care
  • Weight before surgery
  • Ability to exercise
  • Overall condition of patient’s health
Generally, the success of weight loss surgery is characterized by achieving loss of 50% or more of excess body weight and maintaining that level for at least give years. Each of the different weight loss procedures vary in their clinical data. Bariatric surgeon may also vary the results. You should ask your doctor for the clinical data stating their results of the procedure they are recommending.
Clinical studies reveal that most patients who have their weight loss surgeries lose weight rapidly and continue to do so until 18 to 24 months after the surgical procedure. 30 to 50% of the excess weight may also be lost by the patients in the first 6 months and 77% of excess weight as early as 12 months after surgery.
It was revealed in another study of weight loss surgery that a 50-60% loss of excess weight can be maintained by patients 10-14 years after the surgery.
It has been observed that the patients whose initial BMIs are higher tend to lose more total weight. While patients who have lower initial BMIs will lose a greater percentage of their excess weight and will more likely come close to their ideal body weights.